Elective 3

Adv. DSP

This course provides a continuation to the concepts studied in DSP (Sem 7, Elective 1). Course requires deep understanding of Fourier Transforms and I would suggest to avoid this course if you did not like Engineering Mathematics. However, it is a no brainer that you have to opt for this course if you have taken DSP so that you have a firm background for a potential masters in Signal Processing.
Overall Advice : Possibly Avoid.


This course is a Systems based course and can be interpreted as continuation of Systems Programming (Sem 6). Course starts with Lexical Analyzer design and brief about how LEX works. It also has elements of TOC in Unit 2 where you need to deal with Parsing Trees and Semantic Analysis. YACC from SPOS is also briefly discussed. Unit 4,5,6 completely deal with how storage management is performed, how code blocks are interpreted/compiled by the compiler and optimizations. Lab assignments are on same level as SPOS.
Recommended Book : Modern Compiler Design by L.Jacobs (Wiley)
Overall Advice : Might opt for it .


This course is a mix of IOT and Operating Systems based course and can be interpreted as continuation of ESIOT (Sem 6). Course starts with brief on Embedded Systems. It also has elements of COA in Unit 3 & 5 where you need to deal with IO Communication and Interprocess Communication. Unit 4 & 6 completely deal with how process management is performed, different scheduling algorithms etc.Also has a heavy mini project which requires programming an embedded system so possibly avoid. Might go for it if you are planning a Masters or career in Embedded Systems (IOT Engineer, SDE(Embedded) etc.)
Recommended Book :Embedded Real-Time Systems Programming by S.V.Iyer (Mcgraw-Hill)
Overall Advice : Possibly Avoid unless ESIOT was fun.


This course is an Algorithms based course and is a direct continuation of DAA (Sem 6). Course starts with an introduction to the field. Then Unit 2 & 3 deal with fuzzy sets and logic. Unit 4,5 & 6 deal with advanced optimization algorithms and their implementations. A no-brainer for anyone looking for opportunities in Data Field. I would also advice this one for all those who don't have interest in any other course discussed so far. Lab Assignments are okayish , not too heavy. Mini Project can be completely over a weekend so might opt for this one.
Recommended Book :Principles of Soft Computing by S.N.Sivanandam (Wiley)
Overall Advice : Recommended for Data Enthusiasts. Others might find it boring.